Friday, December 31, 2010

Goodbye, 2010. Adios. Au revoir. Gesundheit. Good night. You weren't very nice to me. I know things could have been worse and I do have my health (now), warmth, food and shelter, but you gave me loneliness, whooping cough, a broken hand and a miscarriage. I'm looking forward to bidding you adieu.

2011? I am welcoming you with open arms and an open heart. You, my lovely year, will be an excellent year. I am excited to see and experience what you will bring. Just a few more hours until you are here.

Until then, I will sit here and enjoy this glass of champagne that, otherwise, would have been (and should still be) forbidden. Cheers.

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year, my friend...I will pray for the road ahead, your peaceful heart, and renewed passion for life.

    May God bless 2011.
