Thursday, September 6, 2012

Thankful Thursdays

And things that make me happy

*A (new-ish) happy family

*Another happy family with a new addition

*Little 6 month old (Almost- she wasn't quite 6 mo when this picture was taken) baby girls who sit by themselves.

*4 lb bags of Candy Corn

*Awesome Halloween costume ideas for my little.

*Plans for a family vacation

*Selah's laughs and smiles while playing

*I'm thankful for Pinterest to keep me from being too bored. Find me HERE if you're on it.

*Selah turning 6 months TODAY!

*I'm thankful my stint removal surgery went well. I hope I'm done with hospitals and surgeries for a bit. Four this year certainly beats my previous record of 0.

*I got to meet a longtime blog and twitter friend this week! Katie! I certainly hope to see you again SOON! And I'm still praying for you.

*I'm thankful for modern medicine for oh-so-many reasons, for oh-so-many people. Including myself.

*I'm almost done Christmas shopping. Yes!

*And, as usual, I'm extremely thankful for my Selah Faith.